Tractor News

Top Harvesting Machinery Used For Cultivation

Here is the top harvesting machinery that is used in agriculture.

Top Harvesting Machinery

Tractor Mounted Combine Harvester

This tractor-mounted harvester consists of different components including threshing, cleaning, cutting, and grain handling units. The threshing section consists threshing cylinder, a concave, and a cylinder beater. When the crops are being cut they mainly pass through these cylinders. The feeder conveyor helps to thresh grains and straws separately. After the harvesting season, the tractor can easily be used for other field operations.

Agriculture Harvester

Groundnut Digger Harvester

This machine consists of digging blades with a length of 1200 mm. It also consists of two disc colters, fenders, a gearbox, two gauge wheels, etc. The digger is a tractor-drawn implement with a 35 Hp engine.

Mainly digs groundnut vines below the pod zones. It also elevates these zones with an elevator picker reel. This helps them to get dropped into the ground. The soil which is attached to these vines are been shaken off in this procedure. Therefore vines are been dropped in such a way that pods get full exposure to solar energy for a rapid drying process.

Coconut Tree Climber

A manual climbing device is being established for harvesting fruits like coconut, palm, areca- nut, and fruits similar to them.

It takes a few mins for the climber to reach the targeted fruits for cultivation. It takes 1-2 or 4-5 mins for a 40 m climbing tree. Therefore depending on the length of the tree and the climber's speed the cultivation time is being decided.

Banana Harvester

It's a simple hand tool that consists blade, handle, and a tang. The cutting edge is slightly curved along cutting edges to facilitate N accurate cutting. This blade is mainly made of medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, and alloy steel. This tool has sharp cutting edges to provide better harvesting of the bananas. It has premium quality hardness for resisting wear and tear. The wooden handles make it more durable for this equipment for a long-lasting and better performance. Shape and size vary for choppers.

Turmeric Harvester

This equipment consists of blades with three bar points for easy penetration deep into the soil. To the rear end of the blades, six slats are spaced at 50 mm. They are hinged at both ends. The gearbox helps to generate power to the shaft of the turmeric digger through V belt transmission. This machine also consists special pair of cage wheels to accommodate the height of ridges.

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