Know All About PERMACULTURE, Principles And Tools
Permaculture is a very effective way to conserve all essential resources. It is a practice aimed at providing sustainability. Permaculture draws inspiration from nature to develop synergistic agriculture practices that will be sustainable and balance activities in the environment.

Permaculture is a technique of practicing agriculture in such a way that they create and maintain a balance in the environment.
It is an approach to building agriculture design that mainly focuses on practicing sustainable agriculture. Permaculture can be understood as the growth of the agricultural ecosystem in a very positive way. Permaculture draws inspiration from nature to develop synergistic agriculture practices that will be sustainable and balance activities in the environment. Permaculture will be able to increase crop diversity, resilience, and natural productivity.

Permaculture includes several principles:-
To catch and store energy
Permaculture is an effective way to store solar energy, wind energy, and other resources so that they can be used efficiently for future use.
Obtain a healthy yield
Permaculture is not only about growing crops and practicing a sustainable method. It should be able to generate healthy crops that will generate a good income for the farmers.
Target of producing No waste
Through Permaculture we can try to grow healthy crops and practice generating less waste. Infact the waste generated can be reused and applied for crop growth itself.
Practicing integration method
Through Permaculture one can practice integrated farming. Integrated farming includes everything from animal husbandry to using renewable sources of energy. Here resources will be completely used and be effective.
Value Diversity
Permaculture will provide diversity. Proper practice will enable us to increase our income, save resources and make the soil fertile.
Here are some top tools used for permaculture gardening:-
Garden Fork
Garden Fork is an efficient way to dig the garden. They will improve the condition of the soil and make the soil fertile. Are perfect for weed control. They will be able to lose the soil.
It is used in the hard and rocky types of soil, with coarse particles. This tool is used to grub out tree stumps or for clearing ditches.
This type of tool gives a fine tilth to the soil. Used for fine digging and is a perfect tool for sowing seeds.
- A very effective tool for smoothening, spreading, and mixing compost for the soil.
This tool is used for a high-raised bed. The best tool for preparing land for cultivation. Hoes also improve soil texture, improves water holding capacity, and reduce soil erosion.
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