Here Are Unique Facts On Mangrove Trees
Mangrove trees provide major benefits to humans, the soil, and marine habitats. In this article, we have discussed some unique facts about Mangroves.

Mangrove trees usually grow in the low - oxygen soil, providing stability and provide a suitable environment for a marine habitat.
Here are some unique facts discussed below:-
1. Mangrove Grow In Salty Region
Mangroves also called “mangrove swamps” present in the coastal intertidal zone. They can grow directly in salty water submerged in tides. They can easily bear the salinity as some secrete salt after its absorption and some filter out the salt from their adjacent seawater.

2. Available in Different Sizes
More than 50 species of mangroves are found globally. Usually, the tree measurement ranges from 8- 20 meters. The shrubs can emerge up to 40 meters above the water. Mainly they are well adapted to thrive in low-oxygen and high-salinity regions.
3. A good promoter of marine habitat
The mangrove roots are best for promoting nourishment to the fish. They protect the habitat for fish and provide and contribute to the local abundance of seafood.
4. Mangrove presence at every edge
Mangrove forests are found on saltwater coasts in more than 100 tropical and subtropical countries. They accommodate an estimated size of Greece.
5. Natural Saviour
They act as a barrier and provide stability in the coastline region by reducing the storms caused by heavy tides, waves, frequent water currents, etc.
Also, they can prevent water quality by removing the excess nutrients and pollutants from stormwater runoff.
6. Indonesia on Top List for Mangrove
Major coverage of mangroves is found in Indonesia. The tree covers the land with 31,000 square kilometers. This is twice the size of Jamaica or an estimated size of Maryland, United States.
7. Self-Grown Seed
The seeds of Mangrove forest trees usually germinate on trees by themselves before falling off in the water. This is called the Viviparity mode of producing offspring.
8. Carbon Absorber
Mangroves have a high capacity to absorb and store much of Carbondioxide being produced. A patch of mangrove can absorb 10 times more carbon equivalent to the similar size of a terrestrial forest.
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