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From Fruits to Medicinal Plants: Horticulture in Manipur

The Department of Horticulture & Soil Conservation is steering this journey of growth and promise, sowing the seeds of prosperity for generations to come. In this verdant corner of India, nature and nurture blend seamlessly, forming a story of sustainable abundance.

Horticulture in Manipur
Horticulture in Manipur

In the heart of India's northeastern embrace lies Manipur, a land of breathtaking landscapes and a treasure trove of horticultural potential waiting to be unlocked. The Department of Horticulture & Soil Conservation in Manipur has set its sights on a sprawling canvas of 2,77,064 hectares for cultivating a rich tapestry of crops. From succulent fruits to robust vegetables, from fragrant spices to beneficial medicinal plants, Manipur's horticultural journey is a saga of growth, promise, and sustainable prosperity.

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Tropical and Sub-tropical Fruits:

In the embrace of Manipur's warm climate, tropical and sub-tropical fruits thrive like they're in paradise. Bananas, pineapple, and citrus fruits stand out, weaving a colourful tapestry across the landscape. The lush hills play host to the majestic pineapple, which dances under the rain and sun. The region's citrus gems, the Khasi Mandarin and Orange, infuse the air with their sweet scent. The tang of Assam lemon and the zing of Kachai lemon add an exotic twist to the landscape.

Temperate Fruits:

The higher altitudes of Manipur are a canvas for temperate fruits to paint their hues. Peach, pear, and plum take centre stage, showcasing their low-chill varieties that thrive in this elevated haven. Names like Flordasum, Shane-Punjab, and Santa Rosa read like a symphony of flavours waiting to be savoured.


In the realm of vegetables, Manipur's promise unfolds magnificently. The valley, after the harvest of paddy, transforms into a vibrant garden of vegetables. F1 hybrids and high-yielding varieties have become the farmer's toolkit. The fields blossom with cucurbitaceous wonders like pumpkin, bottle gourd, and ridge gourd. Solanaceous stars like brinjal, tomato, and chillies add their bold hues to the palette. Cole crops like cabbage and cauliflower take their modest places, while exotic treasures like Brussels sprout and broccoli wait to be discovered.

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Off-Season Vegetables:

Manipur's high-altitude hills unveil a secret garden of off-season crops. Tomatoes, cabbages, and radishes flourish even during the summer rainy season. The temperate areas of Mao in Senapati District hide a treasure trove of off-season delights. Protected conditions in the valley nurture crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons, embracing diversity in all seasons.

Mushroom Cultivation:

The rich tradition of mushroom consumption runs deep in Manipur's veins. Agaricus, Volvariella, and Pleurotus mushrooms find a thriving home here. The cultivation of mushrooms not only nourishes the body but also lays the foundation for employment and income generation.

Root & Tuber Crops:

Manipur's soil cradles an array of root and tuber crops, contributing to the tapestry of its agriculture. From potatoes to yams, these humble yet essential crops enrich both tables and livelihoods.


The aromatic essence of Manipur is encapsulated in its spices. Ginger, turmeric, and large cardamom bring flavour and fragrance to life. Ginger varieties like Nadia, Poona, and Suprabha enchant with their zesty allure. Large cardamom promises an aromatic journey, elevating both cuisine and culture.

Aromatic & Medicinal Plants:

Nature's pharmacy thrives in Manipur, where over a thousand medicinal plant species paint the landscape with their healing touch. The state's commitment to these plants stems from the understanding that nature's bounty holds the key to well-being. Aromatic plants, too, find their place, adding to the region's holistic approach towards upliftment.

As Manipur cultivates its horticultural treasures, it not only feeds the body but also nurtures the land and its people. The Department of Horticulture & Soil Conservation is steering this journey of growth and promise, sowing the seeds of prosperity for generations to come. In this verdant corner of India, nature and nurture blend seamlessly, forming a story of sustainable abundance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What is the potential area for horticulture in Manipur?

The Department of Horticulture & Soil Conservation has identified a vast potential area of 2,77,064 hectares for growing various horticulture crops in Manipur. This includes fruits, vegetables, spices, root & tuber crops, aromatic & medicinal plants, and more.

2. What are some notable tropical and sub-tropical fruits grown in Manipur?

Manipur boasts a rich variety of tropical and sub-tropical fruits. Bananas, pineapple, and citrus fruits such as Khasi Mandarin and Orange are among the major players. The hills also witness the cultivation of Giant Kew and Queen pineapple varieties, each catering to different purposes.

3. How is off-season vegetable cultivation practised in Manipur?

In Manipur's high-altitude hills, off-season vegetable cultivation is a reality. Crops like tomatoes, cabbages, and radishes are grown even during the summer rainy season. Protected conditions in the valley contribute to off-season cultivation, including crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons.

4. What is the significance of mushroom cultivation in Manipur?

Mushroom cultivation is a traditional practice deeply ingrained in Manipur's culture. Varieties like Agaricus, Volvariella, and Pleurotus find momentum here. The cultivation of mushrooms not only provides nutritious food but also contributes to employment generation and income opportunities.

5. How does Manipur's horticulture embrace medicinal plants?

Manipur treasures a diverse range of medicinal plants, with around 1200 to 1300 species recorded. These plants have been utilized by local communities for generations to treat various ailments. The state emphasizes the importance of these natural remedies, focusing on their utilization for health and well-being.

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