Scientific Name - Gyromitra esculenta
This mushroom contains a toxin that can cause seizures, vomiting, and even death
Scientific Name - Galerina Marginata
This mushroom contains a toxin that can cause liver failure
Several species of Lepiota contain toxins that causes symptoms ranging from nausea and vomiting to liver and kidney damage.
Scientific Name - Lepiota cristata
Scientific Name - Clitocybe dealbata
This mushroom contains a toxin that can cause gastrointestinal symptoms
Scientific Name -Paxillus involutus
This mushroom contains a toxin that can cause gastrointestinal symptoms and allergic reactions
Scientific Name - Cortinarius rubellus
This mushroom contains a toxin that can cause kidney failure
Scientific Name - Amanita phalloides
This mushroom is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world.It causes liver failure
Scientific Name -Conocybe filaris
This mushroom contains a higher risk of toxicity.It is lethal to humans