Creator: Suneha MishraThis seaweed is not only one of the largest marine plants in the world, but it also has a unique growth pattern that can reach up to 200 feet.
This unusual plant looks like a bunch of small green grapes and is commonly eaten as a delicacy in Japan and other parts of Asia.
These strange, tube-shaped plants are found near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor and have adapted to survive in extreme environments.
This type of algae forms hard, calcified structures that look like coral and can be found in deep water habitats around the world.
These plant-like creatures have a feather-like appearance and can grow up to three feet tall.
This deep-sea coral gets its name from its black color and is often used in jewelry.
These sponges have a delicate, glass-like appearance and can form huge structures on the ocean floor.
These ecosystems are plant-looking communities of bacteria that use chemicals from hydrothermal vents to produce energy.