This plant is known for its air-purifying qualities and also helps to keep the air moist. It can also help to remove harmful toxins from the air.
This plant is low maintenance and can survive in low light conditions. It helps to keep the air clean and also produces oxygen at night.
This plant is helpful in keeping the air cool & also has medicinal properties. Known for its healing properties, it can be used to treat minor burns, cuts & sunburns.
This plant is great for keeping the air moist and can also help to remove harmful toxins from the air.
This plant has large leaves that help to shade the surrounding area and can also help to remove toxins from the air.
This plant is great for reducing humidity in the air and can also help to remove harmful toxins from the air.
This plant is easy to care for and can help to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde in the air.
This plant is great for providing shade & can also help to reduce the temperature of the surrounding area. It is also known for its air-purifying qualities.