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Union Fisheries Minister Unveils Ambitious Plan to Elevate Mariculture Sector

In a groundbreaking proposal, Rupala introduced a sea ranching program for hatchery-produced pearl oyster spats along the Tuticorin coast. This initiative, guided by CMFRI expertise, aims to resurrect the pearl fishery legacy of the region, formerly known as the 'Pearl City' due to its historical prominence in pearl fisheries.

Plan to Elevate Mariculture Sector
Plan to Elevate Mariculture Sector (Image: Twitter)

Union Fisheries Minister Parshottam Rupala has laid out an expansive blueprint aimed at revitalizing the mariculture sector in India. During his visit to the Vizhinjam Regional Centre of the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) in Kerala, the Minister detailed his comprehensive strategy, which encompasses the expansion of cage fish farming operations and the scaling up of pearl oyster production.

Rupala's plan centres on an immediate emphasis on extending cage fish farming to offshore waters using larger and more advanced cages. Currently, cage farming predominantly occurs in nearshore waters with 6-meter diameter cages. However, Rupala proposes the use of cages with a diameter of 30 or above for offshore cage fish farming, as they can accommodate substantial numbers of juvenile fish.

To propel this initiative forward, the Minister called upon the CMFRI to lead research and development efforts in designing these advanced cages. This strategic move is poised to significantly augment mariculture production across the country, bringing increased opportunities for sustainable aquaculture.

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Mariculture involves the cultivation, management, and harvesting of marine organisms within their natural environment. Rupala underlined the importance of this sector and urged the expansion of seed production technologies for fin fishes to all coastal states through public-private partnerships (PPP). This measure aims to alleviate seed constraints and facilitate the availability of required seeds to fish farmers nationwide.

Anticipating the future, Rupala announced the impending launch of a Mariculture Leasing Policy by the central government. This policy will ensure the responsible utilization of mariculture resources, safeguarding suitable areas from potential environmental harm.

Drawing attention to an often overlooked prospect, the Minister highlighted the untapped potential of pearl oyster production. He encouraged the CMFRI to play an active role in enhancing pearl oyster production on a larger scale, leveraging hatchery technologies and research innovations.

In a groundbreaking proposal, Rupala introduced a sea ranching program for hatchery-produced pearl oyster spats along the Tuticorin coast. This initiative, guided by CMFRI expertise, aims to resurrect the pearl fishery legacy of the region, formerly known as the 'Pearl City' due to its historical prominence in pearl fisheries.


The Minister further touched upon the potential of marine ornamental fishery and advised the development of effective marketing avenues for these ornamentals. Collaborating with stakeholders, he emphasized that strategic marketing efforts could provide a significant economic boost to the marine ornamental industry.

As Union Fisheries Minister Parshottam Rupala unveils his visionary plan to invigorate the mariculture sector, the potential for growth, innovation, and sustainability in India's aquatic ecosystem comes to the forefront. His multifaceted strategy marks a significant step toward realizing a more prosperous future for the country's fisheries and aquaculture industries.

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