Tractor News

Telangana Farmer’s Unique Method Catches Everyone’s Eye To Grow Healthy & High-Yielding Crops

Srinivas' farming practices reflect a commitment to sustainable, environmentally friendly agriculture that promotes healthy crops and a healthy ecosystem.

Marripalli Srinivas

Marripalli Srinivas, a 35-year-old farmer from Muthyampet in Mallapur Mandal, has adopted a unique approach to pollination that avoids the excessive use of chemicals and promotes healthy, high-yielding crops.

Since returning from Singapore in 2016, Srinivas has been farming on seven acres of land, growing a variety of crops including watermelon, muskmelon, vegetables, pulses, and paddy.

To encourage pollination in his watermelon fields, Srinivas has installed a stick with a glass containing a mixture of toddy and jaggery. By placing a small cloth in the jaggery, he has been able to attract honey bees which can help with pollination. Srinivas has been using this method for the past five days and is optimistic that it will lead to improved yields.

Alongside this innovative pollination technique, Srinivas also practices organic farming, avoiding the use of fertilizers and instead relying on solar traps to manage pests. He encourages other farmers to adopt alternative, natural methods to reduce their reliance on chemicals.

Srinivas has even created a WhatsApp group for direct marketing of his fruits and vegetables. He has been using solar traps for pest management for the last two years, which he claims have been effective in controlling pests.

Srinivas' farming practices reflect a commitment to sustainable, environmentally friendly agriculture that promotes healthy crops and a healthy ecosystem.

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