Tractor News

KAU Scientists Invent Electrostatic Sprayer for Farmers

Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) scientists invented an innovative electrostatic sprayer, patented for enhanced efficiency. Developed collaboratively, the fully electric device addresses over-spraying issues and offers cost-effectiveness to aid Indian farmers.

KAU Scientists Invent Electrostatic Sprayer for Farmers
KAU Scientists Invent Electrostatic Sprayer for Farmers

Scientists at Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) have successfully patented an innovative electrostatic sprayer. This innovative device is set to help farmers with it's advanced spraying technology that will provide both efficiency and effectiveness.


Dipak Suresh Khatawkar, a post-doctoral research fellow in the Chief Minister's Navakerala program, collaborated with Professor Dhalin D. and retired Professor Shaji James P. from the Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering (FMPE) at Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) to create a device with improved deposition efficiency and greater biological efficiency than conventional sprayers.

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This technology effectively tackles the problem of excessive spraying, a common challenge behind soil and water contamination as well as various environmental hazards. The fully electric sprayer stands out due to its streamlined and precise design with minimal mechanical components. This not only contributes to a quieter and less vibrating operation but also enhances the overall comfort for operators.

 Additionally, the reduced reliance on mechanical parts translates to lower maintenance needs, making it a cost-effective and sustainable solution. The extended operational lifespan of the fully electric sprayer further highlights its efficiency and long-term benefits, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize agricultural practices for a more environmentally friendly and economically viable future.

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The patented electrostatic sprayer is crafted to compete with existing commercial models, excelling in precision and efficiency. The researchers are optimistic that the distinctive features and cost-effectiveness of this sprayer could bring about an important transformation in the socio-economic status of the Indian farming community.

Also, this technology has the potential to empower farmers, improve their economic standing, and contribute positively to the overall terrain of agriculture in India. The prospect of widespread adoption could lead to more sustainable farming practices across the country.

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