Tractor News

Kashmir Valley: Hailstorms Cause Devastation, Agriculture Teams Evaluate Damage

According to several growers across the valley, their orchards and crop fields have suffered significant damage due to hailstorms and other weather-related events.

Kashmir Valley: Hailstorms Cause Devastation, Agriculture Teams Evaluate Damage
Kashmir Valley: Hailstorms Cause Devastation, Agriculture Teams Evaluate Damage

On Friday, high-velocity hailstorms swept through various parts of the Kashmir valley and caused extensive damage to orchards and standing crops.

Reports received by Kashmir News Observer (KNO) indicate that these severe hailstorms wreaked havoc in several areas of Kashmir, particularly in Kulgam, Baramulla, and Anantnag districts. The southern district of Kulgam was hit the worst, with orchards and vegetation suffering significant damage.

According to several growers across the valley, their orchards and crop fields have suffered significant damage due to hailstorms and other weather-related events.

One of the affected growers, Abdul Jabbar Naik from Kulgam, reported that the hailstorms had caused extensive harm to his orchard, resulting in reduced fruit production from the trees this year.

According to Naik, orchardists have been using up all their earnings on fertilizers and labor for their orchards and crop fields. Despite their high hopes for a bountiful crop this year due to the abundance of apples in their orchards, their expectations were shattered by a hailstorm.

As a result, the growers are calling on the government to provide compensation for the significant losses they have incurred in recent years.

Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal, the Director of Agriculture in Kashmir, has stated that the hailstorm which recently struck the valley has had the most severe impact on Kulgam. He further mentioned that their teams are currently present on the ground to evaluate the extent of the damage caused.

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