Tractor News

Farmers in Nashik Demand Compensation for Summer Onions

Farmers in Nashik urge the government to reimburse those farmers who have grown summer onions under APMCs from February 1. Bharat Dighole president of the Maharashtra Onion Growers Association said that it would be very unfair if farmers get less than the actual amount they have spent on growing one quintal of onions

Onion Compensation
Farmers in Nashik Demand Compensation for Summer Onions

Nashik farmers are pleading with the government to compensate the onion producers who have been selling summer onions under APMC since February 1 for their expenses.

They claimed that in addition to summer onions' prices falling, kharif onions' prices were also low.

In reality, the Maharashtra State Onion Growers Association stated that the late kharif supply was inferior to the grade of summer onions. In contrast to the typical average wholesale price of Rs. 1200 per quintal, farmers were paid Rs. 800 per quintal.

 Additionally, the state government announced that farmers who sold late kharif onions at APMCs in February and March would receive reimbursements of Rs 350 per quintal.This choice was made given that prices had drastically dropped from Rs 400 to Rs 500 per quintal.

The President of the Maharashtra Onion Growers Association, Bharat Dighole told that it cost Rs 1800 for farmers to grow one quintal of onions. Thus if the onions are sold at a very less rate it will be very unfair to them.

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