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Empowering Rural Women: UP Govt Aims to Transform 3 Million Women into Micro Agri-preneurs

As a part of this comprehensive approach, the state government is committed to fostering self-employment among women by establishing agri-based micro-enterprises. This dual-pronged strategy not only promises to bolster farm incomes but also holds the potential to uplift rural communities as a whole.

UP Govt Aims to Transform 3 Million Women into Micro Agri-preneurs
UP Govt Aims to Transform 3 Million Women into Micro Agri-preneurs (Image: HT)

In a significant step towards rural empowerment, the Uttar Pradesh government has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative to empower nearly 3 million rural women associated with self-help groups (SHGs) by grooming them as micro agri-preneurs. The government's ambitious plan aims to elevate the annual income of these women to at least Rs 1 lakh within the next three years.

The move comes hot on the heels of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent Independence Day speech, in which he hailed the efforts of SHGs and expressed his aspiration to see 20 million "lakhpati Didis," referring to women from rural areas who have become financially independent.

Aligned with the National Rural Livelihood Mission, the Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission is currently crafting a comprehensive roadmap to drive this transformative agenda. Originally, the state had intended to incorporate 1.5 million women SHG members into the program. However, sources indicate that almost a million women SHG members in the state are already generating an annual income exceeding Rs 1 lakh.

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Now, the government's revised strategy is to enhance the income of an additional 2 million women SHG members, ensuring that they also surpass the Rs 1 lakh annual income threshold over the next three years. This endeavor aims not only to improve individual economic well-being but also to enhance the overall quality of life for women in rural areas.

The potential avenues for income augmentation encompass a range of agricultural and allied activities. These include farming, rural banking correspondence, the establishment of take-home ration (THR) units, ventures in goat rearing, poultry farming, dairy operations, and participation in farmer-producer organizations (FPOs). Additionally, the initiative encompasses activities such as livestock management, fisheries, and collection of forest produce.

As a part of this comprehensive approach, the state government is committed to fostering self-employment among women by establishing agri-based micro-enterprises. This dual-pronged strategy not only promises to bolster farm incomes but also holds the potential to uplift rural communities as a whole.

Amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic, Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath commended the invaluable contributions of women SHGs. During the crisis, these groups played a pivotal role in producing and distributing essential items, including personal protective equipment kits, masks, and school uniforms. Their dedication and resilience served as a testament to the strength of community-driven efforts.

As the UP government's transformative plan unfolds, it is anticipated that it will not only bridge the income gap for rural women but also contribute significantly to the state's socio-economic development. With a steadfast commitment to empowering women and driving rural progress, Uttar Pradesh is poised to set an inspiring example for the entire nation.

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