Tractor News

Crop-Specific SOPs Being Issued for Efficient Application of Pesticide with Farming Drones

Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar recently said that agriculture plays an essential role and is the backbone of the economy. Government prioritizes more on agriculture to boost this sector and improve farmers' standard of living.

Crop-Specific SOPs Being Issued for Efficient Application of Pesticide with Farming Drones
Crop-Specific SOPs Being Issued for Efficient Application of Pesticide with Farming Drones

For the benefit of farmers and other stakeholders, Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on Thursday published crop-specific "Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the application of Pesticides with Drones" in the public domain.

A pamphlet titled "Machinery for Millets Production, Processing, and Value Addition" was also published by Tomar

On this occasion, the minister declared that “Agriculture was our top priority. As a result, whether conducting research or launching programs, the government's top objective is to develop agriculture and enhance the financial situation of farmers.”

The agriculture industry is facing numerous difficulties at the moment. Technical assistance in the agricultural sector is crucial for this. The government is working nonstop in this area, he continued.

Speaking of the agricultural sector, attempts are being made to connect the plans with technology because, without its help, we won't be able to reach our objectives in the future. Additionally, Prime Minister Narendra Modi consistently emphasizes the need to advance technology and actively pursues it. Tomar also told that under the Prime Minister's Kisan Samman Nidhi, around 2.5 lakh crore has reached the accounts of the farmers, so there are no questions that can be raised related to it. He also added that the nation has already produced a good amount of nano urea, therefore farmers can take immense benefits from it.

The government has approved drone technology for use in the agriculture industry. Tomar advised that we should keep in mind that the benefits of every new plan extend to the very last person. This is the reason that when the drone program was created, regular farmers and regular graduates were also included in it so that small farms could employ drones.

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