Tractor News

Ballia District Becomes Hub for High-Quality Shahi Litchi, Expanding Market Reach

The innovative farmers of Nirupur village continue to make strides in the cultivation of Shahi Litchis, not only enhancing their own livelihoods but also putting Ballia District on the map as a hub for high-quality litchi.

Farmers in Ballia District Pioneer High-Quality Shahi Litchi Cultivation
Farmers in Ballia District Pioneer High-Quality Shahi Litchi Cultivation (Image: Punekar News)

In the dusty village of Nirupur, located 13 kilometres from the district headquarters, a group of innovative farmers is making strides in the art of cultivating the renowned Shahi Litchis. These farmers are not only transforming the local agricultural landscape but are also expanding their market horizons by introducing succulent fruit to markets across the country.

The innovative farmers of Nirupur village continue to make strides in the cultivation of Shahi Litchis, not only enhancing their own livelihoods but also putting Ballia District on the map as a hub for high-quality litchi.

One of these pioneering farmers is Raja Shankar Tiwari, a retired Railway Protection Force personnel, who is on the verge of bringing Nirupur village into the limelight with his production of high-quality litchis. Tiwari embarked on his litchi farming journey in 2013 after discovering the potential profitability of the fruit, as he learned that a single tree could yield up to Rs 90 lakhs throughout its lifetime.

"After retirement, I travelled to Muzaffarpur, where I learned about litchi horticulture at the Litchi Research Center. I planted 230 royal (Shahi) litchi trees and 200 mango trees across two hectares of land in Dopahi Mouja, our village," shared Tiwari.

Inspired by Tiwari's success, other villagers from Nirupur and nearby areas followed suit, dedicating themselves to litchi cultivation, despite the region not being traditionally known for the fruit. Their collective efforts over the past decade have resulted in high litchi yields, with an estimated eight tonnes of litchis expected to be produced this year on Tiwari's farm alone.

Also Read: Bihar Govt Encouraging Farmers To Cultivate Newly Developed Litchi Varieties

The litchi farms in Nirupur not only contribute to high production but also generate employment opportunities for villagers, serving as an additional source of income. During the fruiting and harvesting season, which spans approximately six months, villagers are hired as workers.

Tiwari's farm alone employs over 30 villagers, with monthly salaries amounting to more than Rs 1.5 lakh. Munnan, a resident of neighbouring Pindari village, has been associated with this work for several years and attests to the positive impact of rising litchi cultivation in the area. He easily finds employment as a worker and earns up to Rs 10,000 per month.

Traditionally, litchis and mangoes produced in the village were sold only in local markets, resulting in limited profits. However, in the past three years, the farmers have expanded their market reach beyond the state, selling their litchis in markets in Mumbai, Delhi, and Nashik via train transport.

Also Read: Farmer Grows World's Most Expensive Mangoes, Selling at Rs 19,000 Each- What is the Secret? 

This strategic move has allowed them to obtain better rates for their produce. Furthermore, some farmers, including Tiwari, are in discussions with exporters interested in shipping their litchis to Dubai and other Gulf markets.

Tiwari expressed optimism, stating, "If our litchis are exported to Dubai, we anticipate fetching four to five times the price we currently receive for our produce."

Despite their achievements, the farmers face challenges related to the lack of long-distance transport facilities in Ballia, which affects their business. In addition to litchis, the farmers in the area also cultivate mangoes of the Langra, Dussehri, and Chausa varieties.

District Magistrate Ravindra Kumar commended farmers like Tiwari for their significant contributions to the horticulture sector of the district. He assured them that the administration would ensure they receive full benefits from government schemes and timely resolution of their issues.


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