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APEDA Organizes A Brainstorming Session To Promote Millet Export

In an effort to encourage farmers to actively participate in the state's agriculture export business of millets, the Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) organized a one-day workshop and training programme in Gumla districts, which is a millet hub, on Monday.

APEDA Organizes A Brainstorming Session To Promote Millet Export

In an effort to encourage farmers to actively participate in the state's agriculture export business of millets, the Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) organized a one-day workshop and training programme in Gumla districts, which is a millet hub, on Monday.

Around 50 progressive farmers from neighboring districts and registered exporters from across the state attended and shared their perspectives on the occasion. Officers from NABARD, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, and the Agriculture Department were present at the meeting. During the meeting, it was thoroughly discussed how to export millet grown by district farmers to other countries.

Speaking as a keynote speaker and progressive farmer, Birsa Agriculture University (BAU) Professor, BK Jha stated that such programmes are very important to increase farmers' income because the convergence of various agencies such as APEDA, various departments of the government, and private agencies brings many opportunities among farmers, and they will undoubtedly get better opportunities to increase their income.

Jha stated that Gumla is known as the millet production hub of the state, and that farmers in the district work hard to grow various types of millets here, but that due to a variety of factors, including a lack of a market, they do not receive a fair price for their products. Farmers' economic conditions will improve if their crops are sold at the right price in markets, he added. He also requested that APEDA conduct an awareness campaign among farmers as soon as possible.

To benefit the farmers, the businessmen who attended the meeting stated that the farmers in the block are growing crops organically, but the quality needs to be improved and care must be taken before they can be exported to other countries.

Speaking on the occasion, Suprava, Business Development Manager, APEDA, explained the program's purpose and stated that such programmes are being organized to promote exports from the state. She stated that Jharkhand farmers are very hardworking and that they are growing a variety of millet crops in their fields. Farmers are being informed about the possibility of exporting some of their major crops to other countries, she added.

NABARD, DDM Ravishankar, and District Agriculture Officer AK Sinha were also present.

According to the Business Development Manager, APEDA is primarily an export promotion organization under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, and its primary goal is to encourage the export of major crops grown by farmers.

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