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Top Tools Required For Cacti Gardening

Cactus gardening is becoming more profitable with the passage of time. In this article, we have discussed different tools required for cacti gardening.

Cactus Gardening

A cactus is a xerophytic plant that is adapted to hot dry climates. They are mainly succulents that store water for a longer duration. Cacti usually have sharp thorns with thick flesh. They are available in many different shapes and sizes.

They are an important part of the food chain, especially in deserted or hot dry regions. They are not only used for gardening purposes but are also used as edible items in deserted regions.

When it comes to replanting, repotting, and pricking out seedlings, it is very important to perform all the tasks with proper precautions as they can pierce into the skin. To perform proper cactus gardening practices quality tools are required to be in use.

Cactus Cultivation

The following are different tools used for cactus gardening:-

  • Soil scoops

Usually, soil scoops are available in various shapes and sizes. They can be plastic or steel scoops. This is usually used for adding gravel or rocks for top dressings. They are very flexible as they can reach under spines. They can also reach areas where the spot is very compact or densely clumped.

  • Brush

Gardening brushes are very handy. They can be used for removing cobwebs, dirt, etc from the spines. They are also used for cleaning dirt from the pots. More attention is to be provided to the bristles or the strands of the brush which should be flexible enough to reach any corners in any type of succulent. These are provided by automotive detailed brushes. They should be able to perform in even heavily wooly plants. They are available in different shapes and sizes and are easy to use.

  • Window Screen

This tool is used for covering the small holes or the bottom of the pots. They are done to avoid water and soil loss. They can be also replaced using a Window screen which comes in a rolled tube and is easily cut and covered on empty regions.

Coffee maker filters can be also used which will decompose over a period of time but they will help to compact the soil and boost the roots making a good base.

  • Pot grippers

They are very efficient and prevent the gardeners from getting pricked from the spiny cactus. Pot grippers are handy. When reaching for a cacti pot in the middle of the greenhouse bench this equipment can be used to grab the required pot. They can easily grab pots 6.5” in height.

  • Ziploc bags

They are very easily available in the market. Mainly used for seed germination. They actually provide constant humidity which is necessary for young seedlings.

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