Tractor News

Top 7 MAJOR Myths In Agriculture

Agriculture is pivotal and the backbone of the Indian economy. In this article, we have discussed several misconceptions in the agriculture sector.

Agriculture major myths

Organic food is completely natural

It’s a major misconception that organic farming is completely natural. They consist of several chemical treatments that are required for keeping their quality fresh. They mainly consist of natural pesticides including mineral salts, pesticides, and many more. They also use synthetic or biological pesticides.

Wheat is majorly consumed more than rice

It has been estimated that wheat is majorly consumed.31% is consumed globally. Rice follows in the second rank consuming 21% globally.

Consumption of beef produces methane

A major misconception is that consuming beef produces methane. Ruminant animals like cows are not the major producer of methane. Methane can be generated by other sources including landfills, wetlands, anaerobic septic tanks, and many more.

Agriculture major misconception

Consuming genetically modified vegetables and fruits leads to a mutation in humans

A major myth pertains. Consuming genetically modified vegetables and fruits promotes proteins generated in the body. An individual's body absorbs more amino acids which make the body healthy.

Brown eggs provide more nutrition than white eggs

According to experts, there is no difference in their nutrient content. The shell color differs mainly. If a farmer changes the diet of hens then the nutritious value might differ. Also, the color of the egg is identified according to the breed of the hen. There is no harm in consuming any color egg.

Organic food production causes least harm to the environment than traditional farming

It is a major misconception that organic farming causes the least impact. For example, organic farming uses pyrethrin whereas traditional agriculture uses pyrethrum. Therefore these chemical lies in the same category. As pyrethrin is a natural insecticide it breaks down naturally in the environment. This not only impacts the environment but also destroys several other farm natural resources. It may increase weed population or impact the quality of the soil.

To prevent children from cancer organic peanut butter is recommended

Peanut grows in soil that naturally contains many fungi. Fungi generally produce aflatoxins known to be potent carcinogens. Consuming any kind of peanut won't affect you until there is an allergy.

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