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Top 5 Most Popular Mango Varieties Around The World

In this article, we have listed the world's top five most popular varieties of mangoes known for their superior quality and taste.

Top 5 Most Popular Mango Varieties Around The World
Top 5 Most Popular Mango Varieties Around The World

Mangoes, known as the "King of fruits," are beloved for their luscious sweetness and tropical flavor. Across the globe, various mango varieties have gained popularity, each offering unique characteristics and culinary delights. These delicious mangoes serve as a memorable treat every time we devour them.  Available with different tastes and more than a thousand varieties, we have listed some top popular mango varieties around the world.

Here is the curated list of the five most popular mango varieties around the world:-


Carabao mango also known as "Philippine mango" or "Manila mango" is a particular variety obtained from the Philippines. They are known for their exotic taste and sweetness. In addition, this mango holds a Guinness Book of World Records in 1995 for being the most delicious mango rich in sweetness. In its unripe state, this mango looks green and sour. When fully ripe, the mango's flesh has a luscious golden hue, exhibiting a soft and smooth texture that easily melts in the mouth. Its fragrance is highly aromatic, emanating a delightful scent that entices the senses.


Chaunsa also known as "Chausa" or Lord of "Mangoes", is one of the most popular mango cultivars mostly grown in India and Pakistan. Its smooth and firm skin boasts a vibrant yellow color with a slight blush of red. The flesh of the Chaunsa mango is exceptionally succulent, tender, and fiberless, making it incredibly enjoyable to eat. With its heavenly sweetness and a perfect balance of flavors, Chaunsa mango offers a delectable experience.

Also Read:- Exquisite and Expensive Mango Varieties from Around the World: Know The Price

Anwar Ratol

Anwar Ratol is also called a "Mini powerhouse". It is mainly cultivated in the Sindh region of Pakistan and Punjab in India. They are one of the most popular and sweeter varieties. This mango is known for its small to medium size and oval shape. The skin of Anwar Ratol mango is thin and turns a beautiful golden-yellow when fully ripe. Its flesh is juicy, tender, and incredibly sweet, offering a burst of tropical flavors with a hint of tanginess. The aroma of Anwar Ratol mango is intoxicating, filling the air with its distinct and delightful fragrance.

Tommy Atkins

Tommy Atkins is also called "Black mango". They were reported to first grow in Florida in the early 1920s. It features a vibrant and attractive appearance with its bright red, orange, and green skin. The flesh of Tommy Atkins mango is firm, fibrous, and juicy, offering a mildly sweet and tangy flavor profile. Moreover, these mangoes are known for their excellent shelf life and are often exported due to their durability. Therefore it remains a popular choice for its availability and long-lasting freshness.

Also Read:- An Easy Guide to Cultivate World's Most Expensive Mango- Miyazaki

Alphonso Mango

Alphonso mango also called "Hapus mango", originated from India. The name Alphonso was named after Afonso de Albuquerque, who was a Nobel military expert who established a Portuguese colony in India. Alphonso mango, hailed as the "King of Mangoes," is a renowned and sought-after mango variety. Its golden-yellow skin, tinged with a hint of red, exudes an enticing allure. Renowned for its heavenly sweetness and rich flavors, Alphonso mango offers a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, leaving a lingering tropical taste on the palate. Alphonso mango is cherished worldwide for its superior taste, texture, and fragrance, making it a true delight for mango enthusiasts.

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