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Tools And Materials For Bonsai

Bonsai is a miniature art of creating live trees with different tools and techniques. Here is a list of good-quality tools for bonsai gardening.

Bonsai Gardening

A bonsai tree is a short-living plant that is a miniature of a mature long tree. They are grown with utmost care. They are generally grown in shallow ceramic pots. They are not a species in fact many species can be transformed into their mini versions through these skilled techniques.

This is a traditional Chinese art form from where it has been originated. This miniature completely focuses on trees whereas Chinese Penjing includes several elements like water, and gardens making it look more naturalistic in the real world.

The following are different tools acquired to gain the most beautiful bonsai:-


Shears are the best equipment for removing hardy branches and woody twigs from the dense canopy. A wide shear with thick handles is used to remove extra hardy short twigs, and a narrow long shear is used for removing dead branches and woody stems from the dense canopy. Small shears are used for removing the wilted flowers in the middle of the dense vegetation.

Saws And Knives

While pruning the branches or removing strong roots for providing proper growth, it is significant to cut them in such a way that it doesn't damage the other parts of the tree. As the Japanese pruning saws are of high good quality therefore all the techniques must be learned. They usually work when the roots are pulled tightly giving a sharp cutting edge.

For smoothing cuts or wounds left by pliers, grafting knives are good replacements.

Bonsai Gardening


Wiring Bonsai using wires is an important technique to train the branches for getting the desired shape. They are available in various diameters. The wire is usually made of annealed aluminum or copper.

Wiring also helps in repositioning the branches and bending them in whatever desired directions.

Knifes And Saws

There are special knives used to craft and curve through the inside of bushy roots. These special tools can reach inside the pots and perform their task in an efficient manner. Solid angular plastics are best for redoing the work on roots. They are also helpful in mixing new soil to provide a clean look to the bonsai. 

Root hooks and root rakes are used to remove unwanted root balls, therefore avoiding contamination and providing better growth to the bonsai.

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