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The Profitability of Groundnut Farming in India

Groundnut farming in India is a lucrative agricultural activity. With its high protein and oil content, groundnuts are in high demand. Indian farmers utilize modern techniques to maximize yields and ensure a profitable venture.

The Profitability of Groundnut Farming in India
The Profitability of Groundnut Farming in India

Groundnut farming in India is a profitable venture that offers numerous benefits to farmers. With its adaptability to various soil types and climates, groundnut cultivation has become widespread across the country. Groundnuts, also known as peanuts, are rich in protein and oil content, making them a valuable cash crop.

Indian farmers employ modern techniques for improved yields, therefore, ensuring a successful and rewarding groundnut farming experience. In this article, we have provided easy steps towards groundnut farming. This will help individuals to understand the detailed process and help to improve their livelihood.

Below is a simple and easy cultivation guide toward groundnut farming:-

Soil Preparation

Choose well-drained soil with good fertility. Crop prefers sandy loam and black soil.

Seed Selection

Select healthy and disease-free groundnut seeds from a reliable source. Several varieties can be grown including- bunch type, semi-spreading type, and spreading type.


Groundnut prefers an ideal temperature of 30 to 35 Degrees Celsius. Groundnut grows in a well-distributed rainfall of 40 to 125 cm throughout the year.


Create furrows or ridges in the prepared soil. Groundnut is raised in the season from May to June depending on the monsoon season.

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Provide regular and sufficient irrigation during the initial growth stages. Groundnuts require consistent moisture but avoid overwatering, as it can lead to fungal diseases.

Weed Control

Control weeds through manual or mechanical methods, ensuring they do not compete with groundnut plants for nutrients and sunlight.


Apply balanced fertilizers based on soil test results and recommended doses. For rainfed crops, FYM application of 6.25 tonnes is recommended. For irrigated type, an FYM application of 12.5 tonnes is recommended. Monitor plant nutrient requirements and make necessary adjustments during different growth stages.

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Pest and Disease Management

Monitor the crop regularly for pests like aphids, leaf miners, or diseases such as leaf spots and rust. Employ appropriate measures such as integrated pest management (IPM) techniques or chemical sprays as needed. Pests like groundnut aphids and white grub can be controlled with specific chemical treatments.


Groundnut pods are ready for harvest when the plants start to turn yellow, and the foliage begins to dry. Lift the plants carefully and hang them to dry for a few days. Remove the pods from the plants and store them in a dry and well-ventilated area.

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