Tractor News

Shraddha Dhawan: From Dairy Farming at 11 to Rs 1 Crore Dairy Empress at 24

A 24-year-old, armed with an MSc in Physics, is the proud owner of Shraddha Farm in Nighoj village, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. She has ventured into vermicomposting, producing 30,000 kg of vermicompost per month, marketed as CS Agro Organics.

Shraddha Dhawan: From Dairy Farming at 11 to Rs 1 Crore Dairy Empress at 24
Shraddha Dhawan: From Dairy Farming at 11 to Rs 1 Crore Dairy Empress at 24

At the tender age of 11, Shraddha Dhawan embarked on a life-altering journey, assisting her differently-abled father with daily chores. Her modest start paved the way for a thriving enterprise valued at Rs 1 Crore today.

By age 13, she had already grasped the intricacies of buffalo trading. At 24, Shraddha, armed with an MSc in Physics, is the proud proprietor of Shraddha Farm in Nighoj village, Ahmednagar. This farm accommodates 80 buffaloes and serves as a symbol of her unwavering pursuit of excellence.

Shraddha's transition from buffalo trading to dairy farming was gradual and meticulously planned. Wisely reinvesting her earnings and avoiding loans, by 2017, her farm was home to 45 buffaloes. She diligently focused on improving milk quality through precise feeding strategies.

Yet, Shraddha's ambitions didn't stop there. She diversified her ventures by delving into vermicomposting, churning out a substantial 30,000 kg of vermicompost per month under the CS Agro Organics brand. Additionally, she established a biogas plant that harnesses buffalo slurry to generate electricity, rendering her farm a zero-waste enterprise.

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One remarkable aspect of her journey is her unwavering commitment to sustainability and efficiency. She optimizes costs by sourcing fodder at the most competitive prices and vigilantly monitors traders offering buffaloes at reduced rates, resulting in significant savings.

Shraddha's influence extends beyond her business triumphs as she imparts her knowledge and experience through training programs, inspiring others eager to follow her path.

In the last fiscal year, her dairy, vermicompost, and training ventures collectively yielded an impressive revenue of Rs 1 Crore, a testament to her relentless determination, visionary outlook, and sheer hard work.

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Shraddha Dhawan's narrative serves as an inspiration to all, illustrating that with passion, unwavering determination, and a strategic mindset, even the most unassuming beginnings can lead to extraordinary accomplishments. Her journey from buffalo trading to dairy magnate underscores the potential of dreams and the unconquerable spirit of entrepreneurship.

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