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Onion Farming- A profitable crop to make you Rich

This article will provide a comprehensive guide on onion farming in India, covering various aspects from soil requirements to post-harvest management.

Onion Farming- A profitable crop to make you Rich
Onion Farming- A profitable crop to make you Rich (Image Credit: Bonnie Plants)

Onions, an essential ingredient in Indian cuisine, hold significant importance in agricultural practices across the country. The cultivation of onions offers a lucrative opportunity for farmers, given the high demand both domestically and internationally. The crop cycle of onion gets ready from November till January. For the second crop cycle, the harvest starts from January to May. Onion bulbs can be acquired in different colors from yellow, red, white, etc. Application of good practices can provide an earning of 1.5 Lacs in India.

The following are different steps to obtain a quality onion crop:-

Variety Selection

Choose the appropriate onion variety based on local climatic conditions, market demand, and intended purpose (whether for storage or immediate consumption). Popular varieties in India include Bombay Red, Pusa Red, and NHRDF Red.

Ph of soil

Onions grow best in well-drained loamy or sandy soils with a pH level between 5.5 and 6.5. The soil should be high in organic matter and have a high water retention capacity.

Land preparation

Begin land preparation as soon as possible. Remove any garbage, rocks, or weeds from the field. Plow the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm and add organic manure or compost.

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To begin, sow onion seeds in nursery beds or trays 8-10 weeks before the intended transplanting date. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of dirt after thinly sowing them. Maintain a suitable level of moisture during germination.


Once the seedlings reach 6-8 weeks old and attain a height of 15-20 cm, they are ready for transplanting. Transplant them carefully, maintaining a spacing of 10-15 cm between plants and 30-45 cm between rows.


Onions require regular irrigation, especially during the bulb formation stage. Ensure a sufficient water supply, but avoid waterlogging, as it can lead to diseases and rotting. Drip irrigation systems are highly recommended for efficient water management.

Weed and pest control

Regularly remove weeds to prevent competition for nutrients and water. Implement suitable pest control measures to combat common pests such as thrips, onion flies, and aphids. Organic methods like neem oil or biopesticides can be employed.

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Use fertilizers sparingly, based on soil test results and crop needs. During various phases of growth, provide balanced quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the soil. For maximum uptake, fertilizer should be applied in two applications.


Onions are ready to harvest when the tops turn yellow and naturally fall over. To help cure, avoid heavy irrigation before harvest. Lift the bulbs gently with a spade or fork and let them in the field to dry for a few days.

Post-harvest management

Remove the foliage and prune the roots after curing. Sort the onions according to size and quality. To avoid sprouting and rotting, keep them well-ventilated, cool, and dry. Proper storage methods, such as mesh bags or wooden boxes, can help to extend shelf life.

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