List of Winter Flowering Plants to Grow this November for Kitchen Garden
November is a great month to plant winter flowering plants, as the cooling weather provides ideal conditions for planting. These plants will flower all winter long, making the garden beautiful and fragrant. Choose plants that are suited to your climate and plant them in a sunny spot.

November is a great month to plant winter flowering plants. The weather is cooling down, so the conditions are perfect for planting. These plants will flower all winter long, making the garden beautiful and fragrant. The plants will also have a chance to grow some foliage before the winter, which will help them to survive the cold weather.
Here is the curated list of flowers that can be grown this November:-
Zinnia is a beautiful flower that comes in a variety of colors, including pink, orange, yellow, purple, and red. It has a solitary flower head that makes garden look stunning in dull winters.
Zinnias are also known to attract bees and butterflies to the garden. One can grow them easily from seeds. One should make sure that the soil is well-drained and rich in organic matter before sowing the seeds. Give them full sunlight for 6-8 hours for ample flowering. Zinnias also look beautiful inside home in cut flower arrangements.
Petunia is a fast-growing and easy-to-maintain flowering plant that looks amazing in garden. It comes in plenty of shades and combinations of violet, pink, purple, orange, yellow, red, and white, creating a stunning display of colors in home garden throughout winter and spring. One can grow it easily from seeds as well as seedlings. It grows well in full sunlight, but won't complain even if placed in partial shade. Water it regularly but avoid soggy soil. Fertilizing with a balanced organic fertilizer, or liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks can keep the plants healthy and maintain continuous blooming.
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Marigold is a versatile flower that does exceptionally well during cold weather. With its petals in different shades of orange, yellow, and red, and green leaves with serrated edges, marigold keeps the place looking vibrant throughout winter up till early summer. It is also associated with spirituality, no wonder one can find its presence in almost every Indian garden.
Marigold is an easy-to-grow and low-maintenance plant that can resist insects and pests. It is good for other plants growing in the garden as it repels pests and attracts pollinators. Place it in full sunlight for healthy blooms and water it moderately depending upon the season. A well-draining soil rich in compost is ideal for its growth. Deadheading can increase the amount of blooming.
Calendula belongs to the same family as the marigolds but should not be considered the same. They have bright yellow and orange, mildly scented petals making them a perfect addition to floral displays and bouquets. Its petals are edible and can be used in herbal teas. The essential oil derived from Calendula is effective in treating skin infections and, therefore, finds its place in several ointments, lotions, creams, and balms. Its flowers also attract pollinators. Give full sunlight for 6-8 hours and moderately fertile, well-draining soil to this easy-to-grow plant, and enjoy the beautiful blooms throughout winter.
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Cosmos is an annual flowering plant that has delicate and charming flowers. Its flowers have a yellow center disc surrounded by delicate petals that come in vivid hues of pink, purple, lilac, white, and chocolate. With thin stalks and colorful flowers, they can make the garden look mesmerizing. One can either grow them from seeds or seedlings, one must make sure to prepare the soil by adding organic manure before planting them. Place them in full sunlight or partial shade and water them regularly for ample flowering. Deadheading is the trick to get maximum flowering in this plant.
Winter flowering plants can add a touch of beauty and fragrance to the garden during the colder months. Planting them in November is a great way to ensure that they have time to establish themselves and grow some foliage before the winter frost arrives. With a little care and attention, one can enjoy the beauty of winter flowering plants all winter long.
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