ISOPOM: Here's Everything You Need To Know About This Agriculture Scheme
The government has implemented a Centrally Sponsored Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm, and Maize (ISOPOM) in 14 major oilseeds growing States to increase production of oilseeds, including soyabean.

ISOPOM: Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm, and Maize
The government has implemented a Centrally Sponsored Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm, and Maize (ISOPOM) in 14 major oilseeds growing States to increase the production of oilseeds, including soybean.
Financial assistance is provided under the scheme for the purchase of breeder seed, the production of foundation seed, the production and distribution of certified seed, the distribution of seed mini kits, the distribution of plant protection chemicals/equipment, weedicides, the distribution of micronutrients and improved agricultural implements, the distribution of rhizobium culture/phosphate solubilizing bacteria, the distribution of gypsum/pyrite/liming/dolomite, the distribution of sprinkler sets and water carrying pipes, training, publicity, etc.
The Technology Mission on Oilseeds (TMO) was established in May 1986 to increase oilseed production and productivity to make the country self-sufficient in this critical sector. Following that, pulses, oil palm, and maize were added to the Technology Mission's scope in 1990, 1992-93, and 1995-96, respectively.
The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation implemented the Centrally Sponsored Schemes listed below under TMOP&M to increase the country's production of oilseeds, pulses, maize, and oil palm.
- Oilseed Production Programme (OPP)
- National Pulses Development Project (NPDP)
- Accelerated Maize Development Programme(AMDP)
- Oil Palm Development Program (OPDP)
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The ISOPOM has the following unique characteristics:
- Allowing states to use funds for any scheme or crop of their choosing.
- State governments will develop an annual action plan for consideration and approval by the Government of India.
- Flexibility for states to implement innovative measures or special components up to 10% of financial allocation.
- Involvement of the private sector in programme implementation by state governments, with a financial cap of 15%.
- With the prior approval of the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, funds may be diverted from seed components to non-seed components.
Implementing Agencies
State governments will continue to implement the ISOPOM through their Departments of Agriculture/Horticulture.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is the nodal agency for breeding seed production and front-line demonstrations.
The private sector, such as NGOs, farmer's organizations, cooperative bodies, and public sector agencies, will also be involved in the program's implementation through State Governments.
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