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Have You Heard of Black Diamond Water Melon? - Easy Guide to Boost Income

Cultivate the highly lucrative Black Diamond watermelon variety and reap a bountiful harvest offering a substantial profit.

Have You Heard of Black Diamond Water Melon? - Easy Guide to Boost Income
Have You Heard of Black Diamond Water Melon? - Easy Guide to Boost Income

Black Diamond watermelon is a coveted variety known for its rich sweetness and offers gardeners a fruitful delight. The fruit has a vibrant red flesh, and unparalleled juiciness, making it a summer favorite. In this comprehensive guide, we unveil the easy steps to growing the prized variety. Growing Black Diamond watermelon can ensuring a bumper crop that promises significant financial returns for growers.

Here is a step-by-step guide to growing Black Diamond watermelon:-


Black Diamond watermelon requires full sunlight for 6 to 8 hours. This variety provides robust growth with an ample amount of sunlight.

Soil Preparation

Black Diamond watermelon requires a well-draining location with fertile soil. Usually, this type of variety prefers loamy soil which can retain moisture. The ideal range of pH includes 6 to 7.


The ideal temperature for Black Diamond Watermelon ranges from 21°C to 32°C. Watermelon is a summer crop, therefore, requires warmth and high-temperature boost growth and improves the nutritional content.

Also Read:- Growing Juicy Watermelon Indoors: Step-by-Step Guide for Profitable Business

Have You Heard of Black Diamond Water Melon? - Easy Guide to Boost Income
Have You Heard of Black Diamond Water Melon? - Easy Guide to Boost Income

Sowing Seeds

  • Seeds should be purchased from the good marketplace. Seeds should be soaked in water for 24 hours, therefore allowing the seed coat to become smooth and help to improve the seed germination rate.
  • Seeds should be sown at 1-inch depth with seed spacing of 2 to 3 inches apart in the container. One can also opt to sow 1 seed per pot for effective growth.
  • Usually, it takes 7 to 10 days for black diamond watermelon seeds to germinate, therefore proper care and treatment are required.


  • Black diamond watermelon seeds should be watered thoroughly. Growers should maintain consistent moisture throughout the growing season. It is essential to avoid over-watering, as it may lead to rotting.
  • According to guidelines, it is recommended that black diamond watermelon requires 1 to 2 inches of water per week.


Black diamond watermelon requires a balanced fertilizer or compost of 10-10-10 or a ratio of 20-20-20. This will provide all essential nutrients to the growing plants. Diluted fertilizer is also provided with ½ of its strength in 2 to 3 weeks once in a while.

Also Read:-  Know About Top Watermelon Tools to Obtain a Healthy Fruit

Weed Control

Weeds are to be regularly removed around the watermelon plants to minimize competition for nutrients and water.

Pest and Disease Management

Monitor the plants for pests like aphids or cucumber beetles and take appropriate measures to control them. Prevent common diseases by practicing good sanitation and crop rotation. The watermelons can be grown with companion crops like marigolds. This will provide a suitable environment and prevent melons from frequent pest infestations or diseases.


  • Black Diamond watermelons are ready for harvest when the fruit skin turns deep green or black. One should observe the rind color. If they turn matte and dull they are ready to harvest.
  • To harvest black diamond watermelon growers can gently tap. If growers obtain a hollow sound it indicates full watermelon ripeness.

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