Govt. Schemes: Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Unnat Krishi Shiksha Yojana
The Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Unnat Krishi Shiksha Yojana (PDDUUKSY) was established to foster human resource development in organic farming, natural farming, and cow-based economies for environmental sustenance and soil health. It began with the establishment of 100 centers. During the scheme's operation, 108 training programs were organized to raise farmer awareness.
Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Unnat Krishi Shiksha Yojana
The Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Unnat Krishi Shiksha Yojana (PDDUUKSY) was established to foster human resource development in organic farming, natural farming, and cow-based economies for environmental sustenance and soil health. It began with the establishment of 100 centers. During the scheme's operation, 108 training programs were organized to raise farmer awareness.
PDDUUKSY organized training programs for farmers in the fields of organic farming, natural farming, and other cutting-edge technologies. This has increased public awareness of organic and natural farming. Because organic and naturally raised commodities/produce commands a higher price, it is a step toward doubling their earnings.
- To develop skilled human resources at the village level for organic farming and sustainable agriculture development.
- Provide technical assistance to rural India in the areas of Organic Farming, Natural Farming, Rural Economy, and Sustainable Agriculture.
- To expand other Yojana activities at the village level through their established centers.
Agriculture Shiksha
- Under its three-year action plan, the Agricultural Education Division provided need-based support in critical areas to Agricultural Universities in order to strengthen and ensure the quality of higher agricultural education in the country.
- Each undergraduate student in agriculture must choose the Student READY (Rural Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana) programme as part of their undergraduate curriculum, which aims to provide them with rural entrepreneurship awareness during their final year of study.
- Undergraduate students assist small and marginal farmers in improving their livelihoods by providing information about government facilities, scientific and technical know-how, crop selection, marketing of their produce, and so on.
Farmers may be chosen for this initiative by the designated Centers, subject to the following conditions:
- Before selection, the farmers' interest in organic farming, natural farming, and cow-based economy must be assessed.
- Farmers who are currently practicing organic farming, natural farming, or cow-based economy must be given priority.
- Farmers from all communities must be fairly represented.
- There should be no gender discrimination in the selection process.
Scope of Implementation
The scheme would be implemented by a total of 100 centers across the country. These centers were chosen based on their knowledge, skill, ability, and experience with organic and natural farming.
A team of four coordinators has been appointed to coordinate the scheme's various activities. Some of these activities include providing training on issues related to organic farming, natural farming, and cow-based economics based on the designed modules, selecting beneficiaries in consultation with nodal agencies, ensuring the welfare of participants, and so on.
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