Tractor News

Comparison for Cold Composting Vs Hot Composting

In this article we have discussed and given a brief comparison between hot composting Vs Cold Composting .

Hot Composting Vs Cold Composting

Cold Composting

Cold composting is a slow decomposition process that takes place at ambient temperatures. Organic materials such as yard waste and leaves are piled up and left to decompose over a long period of time, usually 6-12 months. The materials are mixed occasionally to promote aeration and decomposition but turning is optional.

It is an easy and low-maintenance way to recycle organic waste and produce a soil amendment. However, because of the low temperatures, the decomposition process may not destroy all pathogens in the materials. Also, the nutrient content of cold compost is lower than that of hot compost.

Hot Composting Vs Cold Composting

Hot Composting

Hot composting is a faster process that takes place at high temperatures. Organic materials such as food scraps, yard waste, and leaves are piled up in layers and turned frequently to promote aeration and decomposition. The internal temperature of the pile can reach 45-70°C, which helps to kill most pathogens and break down the materials faster.

Hot composting can produce compost in as little as 4-8 weeks and the nutrient content is higher than that of cold compost. However, hot composting requires more effort in terms of monitoring the temperature, turning the pile frequently, and adding the right balance of materials. Also, the pile can produce a strong odor that may be unpleasant for some people.

Comparison of Cold Composting Vs Hot Composting



Cold Composting

Hot Composting


Low, ambient temperature (15-25°C)

High, internal temperature (45-70°C)



Long (6-12 months)

Short (4-8 weeks)






Mostly green and brown materials, yard waste, and leaves

It also  includes food scraps



Potentially strong odor


The decomposition process may not destroy all pathogens

High temperatures can kill most pathogens


Nutrient Content

Lower nutrient content than hot compost

Higher nutrient content than cold compost



Also Read:-

Know All About COLD Composting - Its Benefits, Application and Methods

Vermiculture - Boosting The Agriculture


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