A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Tractor Plough for Cultivating: Importance & Types
Selecting the right tractor plough is crucial for efficient and effective cultivation. Understanding the importance of ploughing and familiarizing yourself with popular plough types in India can assist you in making an informed decision.

Finding the perfect ploughing machine for cultivating can be a daunting task. In this article, we aim to provide answers to your questions about buying the ideal tractor plough and highlight the significance of ploughing. We will discuss the types of tractor ploughs in India and shed light on the most perfect ploughs for your farms.
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Importance of Ploughing:
Ploughing is a fundamental process in farming that prepares the land for sowing and promotes optimal crop growth. It involves breaking and turning the soil, which offers numerous benefits such as:
1. Enhanced Soil Structure: Ploughing helps loosen compacted soil, improving its structure and allowing better root penetration. This leads to improved nutrient absorption and water retention.
2. Weed and Pest Control: By turning the soil, ploughing buries weeds and disrupts their growth cycle. It also exposes pests to natural predators and disrupts their habitats.
3. Aeration and Drainage: Ploughing helps create channels in the soil, facilitating better air circulation and water drainage. This prevents waterlogging and improves soil health.
4. Incorporation of Organic Matter: Ploughing allows the incorporation of organic matter such as crop residues and manure into the soil, enriching it with essential nutrients.
Popular Plough Types:
1. Indigenous Plough (Wooden Plough):
Used in ancient times when animals were employed for farming, this wooden plough was attached to the animals' backs. It features an iron share point and cuts a V-shaped furrow without reversing the soil.
2. Soil Turning Ploughs:
Tractor-mounted soil turning ploughs, typically made of iron, resemble a frog's body shape. They are widely used in modern agriculture for efficient soil turning.
3. Mouldboard Plough:
This implement is primarily used for primary tillage in irrigated areas with excessive weed growth. Its curved iron plate lifts and buries weeds and crop residue under the soil.
4. Disc Plough:
Considered suitable for all soil conditions, including hard, dry, and stony, the disc plough comes in two types: standard and vertical. Its features include reversible shovels, hitch, and frame.
5. One-way Plough (Turn-wrest or Reversible):
Ideal for ploughing cultivated land and green manure fields, this implement can be attached to the soil and moved on both sides during processing.
Also Read: Top 5 Tractor Plough in India, Lets Learn the Importance of Ploughing in Farm
6. Subsoil Plough:
Designed to break tough layers or pans without bringing them to the surface, the subsoil plough has a wedge-shaped and narrow structure, making only a slot on the top layers.
7. Chisel Plough:
The chisel plough enables deep tillage with limited soil disruption. It loosens and aerates the soil while leaving crop residue on the surface, reducing compaction and breaking up plough pan and hardpan.
8. Ridge Plough:
Utilized to split fields into ridges and furrows for crop cultivation, ridge ploughs create wide beds and grooves by connecting two ploughs on a frame spacing.
Consider factors such as soil type, farming requirements, and the reputation of tractor plough brands to ensure successful land preparation and optimal crop yield.
Also Read: FieldKing Mounted Disc Plough - Know All About Its Features, Specifications, And Price